August 5, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

Last night we went to a SLC Bee's Minor League Baseball Game. I guess I'd have to say out of all the sports-- baseball is my favorite. Maybe because both my brothers played. I was much too young to take an interest when my older brother played, but when my younger brother started playing my sister and I got really into his games. I was telling Dragon on the way "out the ballgame" that I like baseball because it's easy to follow and doesn't have a lot of stops-and-go's. Like football, for example, is terrible to watch televised because every two seconds the QB gets sacked and you start all over again at the line [don't I sound all sportsy-smart like I know what I'm talking about... "QB" "sacked" I'm so smart!!] And basketball is so back and forth. I mean, we watched a good game once between BYU and SDSU at SDSU turf, before Jimmer-Mania, and that was intense and hence fun. Otherwise it's all boring to me. But I like baseball, so I was happy to go.
As it urns out 'Other Amber' had gotten us box-seats through her work, which kind of takes away from the fun of sitting in the sun and enjoying a luke warm hot dog, but we made it fun! Some others from Other Ambers work were there with their small children and we got a real kick out of playing pranks on them. One boy asked, "Why are you in my suite?" to which I replied, "YOU'RE in MY suite!" "My husband is a player for the Bee's, this is HIS suite." I then pointed to the picture on the wall and said Dragon is 'Rod Carew.'

Just so happens Rod Carew is black; which I couldn't see from the angle of my chair, apparently neither could the kid. Or he's an idiot. My money's on the latter... I mean, he didn't even ask why Dragon wasn't out there playing. Moron! 

We got some good-n-dirty-ball-field-grub for dinner. Everyone ate chilidogs, but me-- I ate a corndog.. because I don't eat hotdogs. Yes, I know.. don't ask. They're totally different. The cornbread coating prevents you from hearing that nasty "snap" each time you bite into the hotdog. It all makes sense in my OCD-food head. Ryan ordered a [never-ending] basket of popcorn for us and you can bet in no time those grubby little kids had their nose-pickin' little fingers all over it. Not a single one of them even asked, which at first you attribute to them being kids and all, but then the dad comes in and pulls out somewhat of a parenting move and tells his little girl that we most likely don't want her dirty hands reaching into our popcorn and so she needs to use the cup to scoop some for herself. He never asks if his kids asked us if they could have any or may have any. =Equals bad parenting. And just general bad manners. Ordinarily none of us would mind sharing with kids [and we really didn't, it was all you can eat popcorn- no harm, no foul], but we're a little heavy into "it's the point..."
The kids started fighting over the remote so when they weren't looking we turned it off and hid it in my purse. Again, we wouldn't typically enjoy so much tormenting small children, but these kids had had it coming! We enjoyed most of the game from inside [making faces and throwing popcorn in the air every time the kids looked our direction from their balcony seats.] Eventually we switched and took the outside balcony seats, giving the others a chance to enjoy the air-conditioning [and smash our popcorn into the carpet!]

When we came back in-- the remote was on the table. [tv still not working... muahhaha!] I repeat, the. remote. was. on. the. table. =Equals bad manners going through other peoples belongings. And why would you even think to look there? I'm not saying we were at all in the right to hide the remote, but if they're not going to discipline their kids as they're screaming, fighting and hitting each other, I'm gonna take action to diffuse the situation. Seriously though-- I don't really care. We each just got a good eye roll and laugh out of 'the others' the whole night. We are a pretty sarcastic group, the four of us, our dry humor may not be the best when involved with kids. [or hillbilly parents] 

The highlight of the night was when an Ewok came out to the field riding a motor cycle! Only, Other Amber said it was the Jazz Bear, but what does she know about Ewoks. Or  bears for that matter. 
Because that my friend... an Ewok if I ever saw one! 

SLC won, but by that time the bad mannered hillbillies and their spawn had left, so Jordan and I were back inside watching "Mean Girls."    

I probably sound like I didn't enjoy the night at all. I really did though. Because I genuinely enjoy baseball [...and making fun of people] and corndogs. Plus we don't get to see Other Amber and Ryan as much as we'd like and it's good to skip out on work early to spend time with friends. Even if we only really paid attention to  like 15% of the game.  

August 4, 2012

Dinner Date Night

While at work on Thursday I got a text from my love reading, "If you don't want to cook tonight we can go out to Salt Lake for Panera Bread and spend my $100 gift card on shopping spree!" Um, yes, thank you. I'm in!

Jordan has been helping doing a lot of random "honey-do's" around the office this summer; they've recently relocated and the boss wants everything decorated just so. Jordan has been hanging pictures, wall art, chandeliers and whatever else under the sun they ask him to do, so as a 'thank you' they got him a $100 AMEX gift card! Super nice, huh? Jordan knew I haven't had any luck finding maxi's or boho skirts long enough to fit [not like I'm really that tall-- guess you gotta be 5'4" to find a floor length maxi-dress this season. Ugh.] and being the amazing husband he is-- decided to take his hard earned reward and pamper me! Yay!
We went out to H&M [now two locations in Utah-- hooray!] where we could really get some bang for our buck! I only found one cute summer dress there and Jordan got a few new t-shirts. He told me when he shops now he asks himself, "Would Jef wear this?" Jordan got way into The Bachelorette and was rooting for Jef [Holm] from the beginning-- he idolizes that gorgeous swanky hipster! [I love him too!] if only I could get Jordan to grow his hair like Jef's...

 [This was a size too small, so I couldn't get it, but I covet for it oh so bad!]

We had planned to go to Panera Bread since Jordan had a gift card for them as well [I told you- he's been doing a lot of errands!] Unfortunately the time-space continuum did not allow. iPhone told us there is a Panera Bread in the Midvale shopping center we were in, but it was no where to be found... when we looked at the Panera Bread website is says there aren't even any in Utah. We looked all over, but couldn't find one. So we spent a little time at Ross [okay, a little more than a little-- we were there for 45 minutes!] and I got some really cute outfits for Costa Rica!! Yay! Only 10 days til our trip. Let the countdown begin...

I've been covering for another manager who is out on vacation this week, so I don't have a day off. [Yuck.] And I am totally feeling it, but it was nice to have a little break in the monotony and spend some time with my hubby! Thanks for a great simple date, babe. It is good to just get out of the house and do simple things together sometimes, isn't it? That's why I love being married. Everything is more fun with two!