Aaaaaahhhh!!! YAY!
We are 13 weeks pregnant today.
And yes, I am going to be one of those people who say, "We're pregnant" because we are going to be parents, conceiving is something we've been trying at together and we are going through the pregnancy together as a growing family.
Now, Jordan is not going through all the terrible, TERRIBLE, morning sickness with me, but he is holding my hair as I cry and hope to die, over the toilet! ...and-- ha! "morning" sickness, I could only have wished it would have been limited to mornings! It was awful from week 7 up until recently, I've been getting some relief lately though and 'they' say the worst of it is over.. that is until LABOR, I assume!
Our Costa Rican love child!
No real BUMP yet, I'm pushing it out in all these pics.
12 week BABY BUMP!!
Jordan and I are so excited!! It's our first and so we'll be documenting every little bump and movement keeping you all updated on our little bundle of joy.
All prayers of love are appreciated!