While we were at the Utah Arts Festival last weekend we ran into our old friends from home, Jon & Steffany. They are now living in Idaho and had caught a ride to Utah on whim! The story starts where Steffany made her first mistake as a [future] wife and declared Saturday, "JON DAY!" A day Jon planned all by himself and got whatever he wanted. Big mistake Steff!
Lucky for them the Arts Festival was in town, so they had something fun to do while in town for half the weekend... and even luckier-- we were there!
[And as it turns out, "JON DAY" ended up being quite the
lucky day for the two of them...]
We met up after the BORINGDALOOP DANCERS so we could catch up and they could meet our little guy.
Okay, I can't say Harrison's attitude was all their fault,
he had been cooped up in his stroller all day.
We asked an older man to take our picture...
It's actually pretty funny.
I mean, he did get the most important part in the shot after all!
Attempt #2.
After the festival we met up at The Cheesecake Factory to share some dessert. And the story of Jon's ill-planned weekend getaway continued... he had planned for them to stay at his cousins house, but had not actually spoken to him before getting to town. Or at all since they'd been here. Lucky ticket number two-- we were happy to have them crash in our guest bedroom.
We've been married, broke, college students before so we understand the struggle. We have definitely had a helping hand cut us a break here and there. We got the Corolla for only $300 when I bought it from our Bishop before we got married [and didn't pay him until about a year into our marriage.] So we thought it would be reeeeeeally nice to PAY IT FORWARD and help out our friends with a FREE CAR! For tax purposes we sold it to them for a whopping DOLLAR!
They really didn't believe us when we said they could have it, but the few hundred bucks we could have made off it will hopefully be better paid back in car-ma.
The proud new owner with quite the story to tell!
So the moral of the story is-- never let your fiance plan a whole weekend without any input from you or you wind up... wait, well, okay-- only let your fiance plan a whole weekend without any input from you if you have great friends like me and Jordan!
...and I guess we saved their honeymoon since they wont have to spend honeymoon money on a car. I only ask that in return that you name your first born after me and hubby-- Jamber, Jordamb, Amban... all great names!