November 26, 2012


I have so much to be grateful for.
Most especially my husband and our growing family. 
I am grateful for Heavenly Fathers love and all the blessings He gives us through tender mercies each day.
I am grateful for loving, caring parents who have always let me make my own mistakes and continued loving me after, even while saying, "I told you so." I am grateful for my siblings, who may not have always been the easiest to get along with, but have always had my back and supported me with love. I am grateful for grandparents who made FAMILY a priority, who knew the true value of Gods gifts. I am grateful for aunts, uncles and many cousins that are always close in my heart.
I am grateful for friends and family that makes this sojourn worth the while!

I have two friends whom I've known since elementary years, whose families have melted into my own; we each call each others moms, "Mom." Each family has become extended families of our own and we love each other as family does.
This bond is something that comes and grows with time.
I am so thankful for these two girls and their families. 

My marriage has welcomed me into my husband family, whom I treasure as my own. And this year, I am grateful to become a growing part of yet another extended family-- Jordan's best friend Ryan has always welcomed us and loved us with the love of a brother. He married Amber last year and we've since become close with her parents and brothers. We spent time last Christmas celebrating with them and they welcomed us into their home this year for Thanksgiving dinner!

I am so happy that God not only gives us the families we are born into, but gives us opportunities to continue creating larger families with those we love.

I am thankful to have a knowledge and belief that families can be together FOREVER. 

Thanksgiving at the Fullmer's 

My contribution to the Thanksgiving Feast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful for U