January 27, 2013

28 Weeks Later [...from conception, not as in the scary movie]

Here I am -- nearing the 30 week mark. 

Man, it is going by crazy fast, my baby registry tells me I have only 85 days left to expected arrival of Baby. Yikes! I'm getting really excited to meet our baby and honestly, a little nervous about how this baby is going to come out of me! My body has been changing a lot this past week as I enter my third trimester. I tell Jordan I can feel my pelvic bones BREAKING! He laughs at me and tells me they're not breaking, I know they're just shifting and widening, but he's not the one feeling the pain! These last two days I've felt like I'd been hit by a Mack truck! 
Saturday I believe I experienced my first case of Braxton Hicks contractions. As my body prepares itself for the real deal it will start to have fake contractions to teach itself how to deliver this baby. It's good to know that at least my body knows what's happening because I sure don't. It's funny though because people describe the 'fake' contractions I'll be having as 'similar to real contractions,' but how am I, a first time mother, supposed to know what that means!? Ha. So while at work on Friday night I felt some dull cramping in my lower abdomen and of course it worried me because it was a new physical feeling I had not experienced before and the only similar feeling I could equate it to was that of menstrual cramping. I have come to realize that a lot of normal pregnancy pains feel like period pains, so I try not to freak out so immediately. I texted a few friends who'd fairly recently had babies and they described just what I was feeling as Braxton Hicks, that calmed me and I just took a break from work and put my feet up for a few minutes to relax. 

Relaxing is a bit hard since I am still working VERY full time [full time + some!]
I have promised Jordan [and my body!] that I will be able to cut back here very soon, but it feels like I've been saying that for weeks! [I have.] And my Baby Showers are coming soon, so I'll get to utilize some much needed vacation time at the end of February!  

I am feeling much better today than I felt Friday and Saturday; however little things are becoming very hard to do-- little things like rolling over in bed. Now I see why dogs get treats for doing such a seemingly simple task! 

My Strange Addiction

I am going through withdrawals...
I haven't had MILK since breakfast this morning! 

I texted Jordan to pleeeeeeease get milk from Sam's yesterday [because I was stuck at work], to which he responded, "Okay," but then apparently he didn't! This morning I had just enough for my cereal and a little sip leftover. And now, we have no milk or juice. 
So I have to drink WATER all day-- like a common criminal!

We choose not to make any purchases on Sundays, to keep the Sabbath day holy, so I can't simply go to the store and get some. This is a big fasting moment for me I guess... my mouth is watering [/milking] for milk. This crappy water simply isn't cutting it. 

So you want to know what I am craving? -- Mmm-ILK! 
At least I know what this Baby and I will have in common! 

A Fine Farewell

Last Sunday I was so fortunate to be able to attend the Missionary Farewell Talk of a former employee of mine, Alex. I believe this is the 3rd or 4th of my employees Farewells I've been to. I try to go whenever I can, to show support and stand as witness that missionaries change lives! 

Alex's talk was Uh-may-zing!! He is like a young prophet in training! Can I say that? Seriously though, it was like listening to a General Authority speak. He is such a great young man, enlightened beyond his years and with a bright attitude like his, he will do so well in the mission field! 
Alex spoke about belief. He suggested we should each 'believe' Christ as much as we 'believe in' Him. "It is my understanding that we all want to believe in something or someone" he said, and further speculated that every person wants to believe there is a reason.  A reason for everything that is. How true this is, I thought. I do not believe-- ha! 'believe'-- I do not think that anyone does not, at some point in their life, search for answers. No matter what spiritual persuasion or lack of one we cling to-- we each look for a reason in everything. Whether it be through religion or science, we want to know 'WHY.' 
Alex went on about how people give their lives for what they believe; noting Joan of Arc. The most powerful statement he made [and one of the more powerful things I've likely ever heard] was that '...people should not just give their lives for what they believe, people should give their lives to what they believe.'

What a strong thought!  
Our belief in Christ is not a one time conversion, a single, simple gift of our hearts to Him; but a lifelong pursuit to be more like Him daily and act in His name accordingly. If we are willing to give our lives for what we believe, then why are we not, daily, willing to give our lives to what we believe is right? Sure, for most, it is easy to attend Sacrament meeting every Sunday. We may even make time for Ward activities; Temple Night, Trunk or Treat and Ward Picnic, but why are we often too busy to clear our schedules to help a neighbor move or volunteer to watch young children so their parents can have a date-night?

Our beliefs are solidified by our faith to act. We should hold strong to that which we believe and neglect not our responsibilities to live harmoniously exhibiting our creed.  

January 20, 2013

Jane, his wife.

Jordan lost his wallet! 
Ugh. He noticed it was missing on Thursday morning and we've since searched the house and cars high and low... to no avail! It's gone. I've been quizzing him in an attempt to try to get him to remember where he may have left it, but he's sadly become convinced that he threw it out at the gas station. Which he secretly blames on me-- because he was cleaning out my car at the time in question. 

We were able to carpool to work everyday last week because of some traded days in my schedule [yay!] and on Wednesday night we stopped to get gas. Jordan had taken my last Swiss Roll in his lunch, when all I had was an apple and two oranges, so I thought this meant for sure I was deserving of a treat! I asked him for a dollar so I could run in for a candy bar. He opened his wallet and moved past the five and ten dollar bill to hand me two one dollar bills. Um, hello? I didn't literally mean ONE dollar, what if they have KING sized bars on sale 2 for $2.22, as they often do? 
[I was just pretending to be the stereotypical wife and teasing him to empty his wallet on me! *Think Jane in the intro to "The Jetsons"
"Maybe I would like a treat too," he said, and handed me the five. While I was checking out, Jordan had time to fill up the tank and clean out the mess inside my car. I don't keep my car quite as clean as his; it's littered with half empty work cups, smashed water bottles and apple cores.

This is where it all went wrong! 

He fears he must have trashed his wallet along with it all. He said yesterday, that he remembers thinking to himself, 'Maybe she needs some of this?' but then figured who needed rotting apple cores ?? and threw it all away. Somewhere in his hands was his wallet and now somewhere in the dump it lies. Boo. 
By Friday Jordan had still insisted it must be in the house or car somewhere [fingers crossed it still could be!] but when his all day Saturday search came up empty handed, I made him give in and call our cards to cancel them. "Better safe than sorry," I say, and honestly I wasn't really that comfortable waiting until the weekend to call either. He finally caved and canceled all his cards. 

I'm not so afraid that anyone got a hold of them because Jordan called the gas station and asked when the trash was picked up and if they have any bums digging around for buried treasure. Thankfully they said there were little to no trash diggers and the garbage truck came on Friday morning. 

So, what's the lesson here? 
When your wife tells you to 'fork it over' you should listen to her, because now we are out that extra 12 bucks he wouldn't give me. And when she says she'll clean her car-- she will... when she gets around to it. ;) 

January 13, 2013

26 weeks

It's the final countdown... 
dun, nuh, nuh, nuh, dun, nuh, nuh-nuh nuh... 
Less than 100 days to go!

If we make it to 40 complete weeks then we've only 98 days until we get to meet our little nugget! Old wives tales say that boys come late and first births come late too, Baby is both, so we'll see how long he holds out in there. I'm anxious to get to hold him in my arms, but we've still got a lot to get organized before he gets here, so we'll be patient and welcome him whenever he's ready!

Baby Daddy and I went out yesterday for an all day-baby registering spree! 
We found a crib and changing table we really like, from Ikea, but we'll wait and get it delivered after we find a home. We're definitely going to be cutting everything really close-- we've been waiting until Jordan graduated and got accepted full time at work until we made any final decisions on where we'd end up. We've got to get the ball rolling now, but life certainly hasn't settled down any more for us, even now that the holidays and hoopla are over.  

It is a little nerve-racking not being settled in yet. I'd love to start painting a nursery and getting Baby's room all set up, but I guess there will also be some fun in throwing it all together at the last minute! Right? Maybe. Until that time comes, I'm just telling myself to relax, I've got 3 months left and it'll all work out in the end. 

Oh, and for all of you saying I'm SO SMALL, here's a side view-- look at that BUMP

January 12, 2013

Babies R Us[uck!]

A baby registering we will go! 
Ugh... what a day. We finally had a free weekend together and thought, well iiii thought, we should take advantage of it and drag my husband out to the baby stores. I thought we'd start at Babies R Us, even though I think they're a little overpriced, because they'd have an abundance of all things baby and knowledgeable employees who could help us and start us off on our adventure. iiiiii was wrong! Oh-m-gee it was terrible. We started with an older lady whom I told I had already started a registry online, but she couldn't find it... so we created a new one. Well, when I went home, I signed in and found 2 accounts attached to my name, so now I have to figure out how to delete the other. Okay, not so bad. When we started out she gave us a brief overview of the store areas, but that was it. There was no one there to help us and we were totally on our own. I had thought to myself, earlier in the week, that perhaps it would be easier to go registering with a mommy friend rather than hubby, since we both clearly have no idea what we're doing! But I didn't want to exclude Jordan and thought that with the guidance of the store employees we could do it! I thought, lets save the furniture and big appliance area for last since it will likely be overwhelming, lets start small with bottles, binkies, pumps, bathing needs, etc.. wrong idea again! There are literally [no, literally!] 9,000 varieties of bottles, binkies and finger nail clippers! I freaked and said lets start small and look at clothes [which we don't even need] because those will be strictly fashion vs. function, an obvious choice. 
We found some cute shoes and a diaper bag for each of us. 
Strollers were great, we found a travel system/jogger we love! But couldn't find anyone to assist us in our questions, so I recruited an experienced mommy in the same aisle who was thankfully able to answer my basic questions. The stroller we loved was under a sign that said "Clearance; $104!" and we so excited, but when we scanned we realized it was not in the right place and found it is actually $250, but we really love it and maybe some aunts can go in on it as a group gift. Psst! Winky face!
I really like the idea of making my own baby food, so we looked at a bullet and packaging system, but as soon as I started looking at an ENTIRE WALL of baby spoons, snack grabbers, bottles and binkies, I just freaked and almost started crying. No joke, I was whining and Jordan was laughing at me. I completely realize how ridiculous I was, but like- how the heck am I supposed to know which spoon my kid is going to need in like 6 months, 9 months? When can he start feeding himself? I don't even know. And WHY are there SOOOO many!!? 
Side note-- there was a baby bath thermometer. Don't you just put your hand in it and if it's too hot then don't put your baby in it. Do you really need an octopus thermometer? I'm just saying, half that store was JUNK, just silly THINGS, gadgets that no one needs, but some  marketing scheme tricks new moms into thinking they need, which after one use will just take up room and collect dust. 

After about an hour and a few near mommy meltdowns I just decided we needed to leave and I'd come back fresh another day. There is also something to be said about at home registering online in the comfort of my own home with the wonderful world wide web at my fingertips! 

I can't say I was expecting a personal shopper to guide us around the store for 2 hours helping us pick the necessities from the nonsense. However a little assistance would have been nice. And dare I say expected-- when Jordan went to the register to ask for an employee to help us and nobody came. 

We've already inherited several of our big ticket items, so we're not entirely starting from scratch-- which is definitely nice, but I thought it would also have been nice to just go a clicking away so I could have more than 10 items on my registry--and at least feel like we'd accomplished something with our day. 

We went from Babies R Us to Target, which was better, then to Ikea, which was BEST. We found a crib & changing table we'll get once we move. The stroller we're obsessed with and everything else so far is just little trinkets and baby necessities. I plan to add more online, after doing some clearly much needed research into the life of a baby. And maybe next weekend I can drag one of my mommy friends  to help [one who hasn't read about my meltdowns!] 

January 8, 2013

Start practicing saying "I knew her when..." because when I'm famous I'm leaving y'all in a trail of dust!!

I knew this day would come!! 
I'M FAMOUS! And not just print famous-- because I've been print famous for a while, but now I'm real live television commercial famous! Okay, so we haven't actually aired any tv commercials yet... but these were recently posted on our website for all the world to see! Which is better, because the internet reaches a much larger viewer market than local Utah stations, afterall. Although when I finally do make it to tv it's gonna be awesome! 

Malawi's Pizza: Interested in Franchising? from Malawi's Pizza on Vimeo.

Malawi's Pizza: see how it's made! from Malawi's Pizza on Vimeo.

P.S. If you send me a self addressed-stamped envelope, I will return to you a signed autograph. For personalization, please include one US dollar. 

January 7, 2013

Take Two!

Here are just a few more from the shoot... 
Thanks so much J, we had lots of fun re-living our special day!

A second chance to make once in a life-time memories!

 It's good to be connected...
A few months ago a photographer friend of ours asked if Jordan and I would be willing to model for some shots that he needed to update his portfolio. At the time of our wedding, over 2 years ago, we were on a really tight budget and unfortunately cut costs by working with a student photographer with very limited wedding/event experience. Well, you get what you pay for right? Not surprisingly, we were quite disappointed with the photos she'd taken; and have never had professional grade images that we've wanted to display in our home. 
We do have a few shots my budding photographer-maid of honor friend was able to take for us, but her time was limited, as we wanted her to enjoy the party rather than document it. Lesson learned-- the only thing more important than your your dress is the photography... and the man, of course!

Wishing we had known how important wedding portraits would be to us, we jumped at the chance to help our friend, who in return has given us these beautiful shots!!   

 I'll have you know these pictures were taken when I was 3 months pregnant! 
"You Go Glen Coco!"

All photos by our awesome friend at J. Benjamin Photography

What a handsome guy I've got!

January 6, 2013

Yep, I'm pregnant alright!

So the other day I'm at work, going about my business... and I sneeze.... aaaaaannnnd I pee myself! Yep. If it weren't official before, it is now-- welcome to pregnancy.   
Kelsey said this is the kind of story I should document because I'm going to want to remember it. Frankly, I'm still working on forgetting it ever happened! 

January 4, 2013

To make a house a HOME...

I have quickly become so over our little apartment! 
Funny how things change dependent on current life circumstances, right? What once was a nice enough place has grown to be a burden. We've lived here in this little one bedroom apartment since we moved to Utah two and a half years ago-- then it was just nice enough and cheap enough. The key factors a newly married couple is looking for! Hoewever, the dingy walls, floors and water logged cupbards have made it impossible to feel like I've ever thoroughly cleaned the place. Almost everything we own is hand-me-down or thrift store chic because we've always known Provo was not going to be "home;" and the cost of an eventual move has prevented us from committing to making large purchases. We didn't know if we'd even stick around Utah and in the event of an out of state move we'd have to sell everything for less than what it's worth and definitely less than what we could buy a new item for because it just wouldn't be cost effective to u-haul it across state lines. Make sense? So we've just been living like college students. We have some nice things, but this apartment makes everything look dull. 

I am ready for a new place. So ready to lay some roots! Is this my nesting instinct kicking in? Some of it does have to do with Baby on the way, but it's also a feeling that Jordan and I have both worked so hard to save and grow that we are ready for that expansion. I want to paint walls! To print large canvas portraits to hang! I want clean walls, new carpets, counter space in my kitchen! [Which I have NONE of now!] 

I'm just ready to start settling down before Baby gets here. I'd like to decorate and make the place we live a HOME. We're a little in limbo right now just waiting to see where we're headed so I've got to be patient, but I want to start boxing things up already! I'm letting our cupbards slowly empty themselves and have already begun weeding through old clothes and shoes that I haven't worn in years. 
Real family life with the house, the baby, the nice furniture and organized closets is on the horizon. I can see it! I just have to settle down, express faith and patience and trust that the doors we've been knocking on will be opened! 

January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013!!

Remember when Y2K was such a big scary thing?? Haha... well HELLO 2013!

This years celebration was a little more mellow than most; we had a nice dinner-in with our dear friends, Kelly & Justin. We BBQ-ed up some yummy t-bones and chicken on the porch in the 10 degree weather while watching Kathy Griffin try to sway the Silver Fox. Justin changed it to Ryan Seacrest-- not sure who is worse!

Jordan and I shared our 2013 New Years Kiss while Baby kicked-in the New Year! 
This was our last New Years celebration as small family of two and we're both so excited for when Baby will make it til midnight with us and toot the horns and bang the pots & pans like I used to do with Grandma! 
2012 has brought a lot of milestones and adventures for us; no doubt this new year will bring many more happy changes! 

Week 24

The first of the new year starts the first of Week 24 for us! 

My chub is getting more solidified and turning from baby chub to hard baby belly! Baby is a lot more active now that 80% of his sleep time is spent in the REM stage. He is more alert and moves about in the mornings and lots at night still. We see the doctor again tomorrow to check his anatomy and make sure everything is in its proper place.
When holding my 1 month old baby niece last week, I was aware of how much she moved and fussed and thought that Baby must be the same as her-- moving around, stretching and yawning. Jordan says Baby is a foot long from head to toe, so no wonder he moves so much, he's gotta stretch and get comfortable from being crammed in  there for so long. I still can't wrap my head around a foot long baby being inside me-- I still feel so small! 
I am right on track with a weight gain of 17 pounds. I'm honestly just waiting to get FATTER!! I can still see my feet, although bending to put my shoes and socks on is getting very hard. I am still working about 50 hours a week so I have lots of aches and pains; Jordan makes fun of me when I can't get up off the floor, but growing a HUMAN is hard work!

Family Portrait

 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 
Everybody looking at the camera? -Check-Ish. 
Smiles? -Mostly. 
Looks like we got at least one that turned out! 

[Click to enlarge!] 


We had a great Christmas with Jordan's family this year! 
His parents and all his siblings came out from California & Canada and we all spent some time at his grandparents cabin up in the snow in Heber Valley. The holidays at work were no different than any other time at work for me... busy, busy, busy! Unfortunately I wasn't able to take any time off,so between work and rushing back and forth to the cabin to spend a night or a half a day-- me and Baby are exhausted! I did have lots of fun though. We rarely make visits to Cali and haven't yet made the trek to Canada, so we see very little of our nieces and nephews; it was great to get to spend some time with them, now that they are old enough to mess with. 
[Jordan's favorite past-time: messing with little kids!]

When everyone came to visit me at work for dinner, our 6 year old nephew Taco said I was 'too fat' and should 'stop eating so much pizza,' his mom blushed and said, "She's pregnant... that's a baby in there!" to which he responded, "Well then your baby needs to stop eating so much pizza!" 
Thanks kid! *Sigh. 

K couldn't remember my name because she was only about 3 the last time I saw her, so she kept calling me "Aunt Jordan," which I thought was just adorable! I was actually amazed at the connection her little 4 year old mind made-- understanding that I was married to her 'Uncle Jordan' and that made me her 'Aunt' so I must just be "Aunt Jordan." Clever little kids! 

The older boys, along with my mother in law joined Jordan and I for midnight mass on Christmas Eve, we couldn't get the car up to the cabin all the way so we had to hike back up to the cabin at 2 in the morning! About a quarter mile, uphill, barefoot in the snow... okay we weren't barefoot, but when we tell the story to our grandkids, one day, we will make the necessary exaggerations! Christmas morning was nice to spend with little ones running around, Jordan and I are excited for the years ahead when that same childrens excitement will be in our home! 

The week was lots of fun, with sledding, BINGO!, Secret Santa exchanges, trampoline parks, good meals and of course tons of candy!
We topped off the week with family portraits... which was... well, eventful- to say the least. There are 5 grandkids under 7 to round up and try to get to look at the camera and smile all at once. To say it was impossible is an understatement! 

Here are a few of the nicer ones that turned out...
Jordan & Amber small family portrait

Siblings Picture

I thought my dress would be really cute and stand out in the pictures, well-- you couldn't miss me that's for sure... 
or US rather!  

*This was NOT planned. My mother-in-law came walking up my stairs before church, ready for family pictures and I was like, "Natalie Hughes!!" She couldn't change because her suitcase was in SLC and I was too lazy to change, so we just went with the twins thing. Oh well...
We both rocked it!