January 27, 2013

My Strange Addiction

I am going through withdrawals...
I haven't had MILK since breakfast this morning! 

I texted Jordan to pleeeeeeease get milk from Sam's yesterday [because I was stuck at work], to which he responded, "Okay," but then apparently he didn't! This morning I had just enough for my cereal and a little sip leftover. And now, we have no milk or juice. 
So I have to drink WATER all day-- like a common criminal!

We choose not to make any purchases on Sundays, to keep the Sabbath day holy, so I can't simply go to the store and get some. This is a big fasting moment for me I guess... my mouth is watering [/milking] for milk. This crappy water simply isn't cutting it. 

So you want to know what I am craving? -- Mmm-ILK! 
At least I know what this Baby and I will have in common! 

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