July 23, 2013

Good TRIUMPHS over Evil!

Jordan took me to Burlington Coat tonight because he know's I've been scoping out some adorable baby suits there for Harrison. Unfortunately there is not one near us for miles, so we had to drive out to Gheto-ville, Utah [seriously, the place had no air conditioning!] When we got there we got Harrison's carrier in the cart and plopped my purse/diaper bag in the basket and I took off for jewelry while Jordan was getting Harrison situated. Well, I guess something was unsafe with the cart because I saw Jordan switched carts and I waved at him as he took off to Mens. Now I swear I saw he had the bag in the new cart, but apparently he had not!! 
About ten minutes, or so, later Jordan gets a call from a random number and it's this lady saying she has my purse! 
                        SAY WHAT!? 
She had been leaving BC when two kids ran out of the store with my purse [which was ever so easily and temptingly left in clear sight, in a basket, inside the store, at the front right by the door with all the other carts], but when they saw her looking at them she figures they thought the purse belonged to her and they just threw it and ran away. 

She picked it up and rifled through it until she found my wallet and looked for ID, then my phone and somehow managed to find Jordan's number to call [he's not labeled as my husband and my phone doesn't do ICE contacts.] When she returned my purse everything was just as it should be...  AMAZING!
Hooray for the Good Samaritan!   

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