August 2, 2013


I tried something a little new today... I price matched at Wal*Mart! 
Yes, this is the exciting news of a new stay at home mom. Lord help me!

I was looking through some ads wile baby was napping yesterday and was thinking about how I had to go to Wal*Mart to get laundry and dish soap anyway, so I may as well make it my one stop shop. I mean, with baby in tow, getting out and about is not exactly easy. Now I've seen "Extreme Couponers"and those people may as well just film an episode of "Hoarders" while they're at it because that's where they're headed. This was noting like that. Although I did have a coupon or two. (Okay, three, but only three I promise.) And I only got what we needed, just at a discounted price.

But that's not the story. The story begins when I was checking out. 
Harrison had been sleeping (score one for Mama, as I planned our trip around his nap schedule), but had woken while in line and was screaming his head off to get out of his carrier. I really didn't want to take him out because it was not going to be worth it when I'd just have to fight to get him back in after checking out. Well I caved and took him out because the cashier was really slow and it was taking longer than expected. Baby is happy, but of course, now I'm holding baby (not old enough to be baby on hip, still needs Mama to help with head support or he might fling himself backwards) and loading the conveyor belt at the same time. ...and it was a big haul shopping trip so I've got all sort of heavy bulk items.

At some point an older couple gets on line behind me. Then once the lady has started ringing me up a man in his late thirties gets in line behind them with no more than a handful of items so they let him go ahead. Well he's still behind me and I'm  sorry, but the cashier has already started ringing me otherwise I would have been more than happy to let him cut. Which by the way, I always do.

As the cashier is ringing, I'm still unloading my cart; balancing a heavy little baby in one hand while reaching deep into the cart to get all the cans and yogurt that rolled back under the baby carrier with the other. Now-- don't think I'm slowing her down any though because I unloaded plenty for her to start ringing before she even started and I guarantee you I'll be done before she is; but lets say you were behind me and did perhaps think I as going too slowly... Here's a thought: BE A GENTLEMAN AND HELP A LADY!

Instead he chooses to stand there and loudly sigh and shift feet back and forth. Go to self checkout bro. Go to the 15 items or less line. I don't know what to tell you brother, I guess you just got in the wrong line. Happens to the best of us.

He gets visibly frustrated when I inform the cashier that the last half of my groceries are price match items and I go through each group of items one by one rattling off the sale price. Honestly, this takes I maybe an extra 5 minutes. [Less if she could figure out "4 for $5" without me having to tell her.] It's a promotion WalMart offers which I should not be made to feel guilty for taking advantage of. 

Even though it's not my fault that I'm shopping to stock my cupboards on a budget, I still turn and apologize.

 "Sorry," I said shrugging my shoulders because I am sorry he's inconvenienced, but at the same time-- this ain't the convenience store and he'snot glued to the floor, so don't be mad you couldn't fly through.

Nothing. He acted like I didn't just talk straight to him.

Meanwhile the old man behind him is staring, looking annoyed, at me while his wife reads a magazine. At least someone's getting their Kardashian fix!

When my items are rung and I swipe my card to pay I apologize to the cashier, as I imagine it's not easy working for minimum wage having to do some extra work and deal with what I am sure was not going to be a pleasant interaction with the fellow behind me.

I'm sure that jerk let out a sigh of relief as I walked off with my bargain basket. 
Let me be very clear about one thing-- I don't care. 

If saving a few bucks here and there means I get to stay at home with my baby, then I will gladly check ads and clip coupons! 

1 comment:

Kelsey B. said...

Loved this post! So I do not have a baby but I have started using coupons (it's taken me my whole life to realize how easy it is to save money with coupons). Yeah some people are just grumpy and they'll always be grumpy whether it's at you or someone else. love your blog! :)