This picture pretty much sums up the last month of our lives with this grumpy little monster baby!
It may not be the best picture of baby H ever, but it was about the best picture from our five month session last night. Man, he sure has been a grump! He has been skipping naps... skipping sleeping all together. He's still going through something in his sleeping patterns at night; but we're hoping he'll get back into sleeping several hours through the night soon as we work through it with him. Lets just chalk it up to him being a BABY, right?
I am still adjusting to my new life at home; some days I really miss the workforce, but being at home with Harrison and watching him as he grows and learns has been a wonderful blessing! This last month and a half he has been making huge strides in his physical and mental development. I know that's been tough on him and mostly why he's been so grouchy.
He is learning so much and it's amazing to watch as he learns how to move his little fingers to grasp small items or to wrap his whole hand around a toy or bottle and put it in his mouth. He is able to maneuver his bottle into his mouth and hold to feed himself for a minute or two at a time. Not every feeding, but on occasion he'll fight you for the bottle. We introduced solids around four and a half months; Harrison didn't know what to do with the spoon at first... or his tongue, so all the food ended up on the bib. That's what they're for, right? We have kept slowing introducing every week or so and he is catching on. He still doesn't seem entirely interested so we're going to back off until next month and try again. After all, foods "before one, just for fun!" He gets all the nutrients he needs from his milk!
Harrison saw a new doctor [whom we love!] and was weighing in at 14 lbs. 7 oz. only two weeks after his four month appointment where he measured at 13 lbs. 4 oz. More than a pound! I'd say that's good gain! Only in babies are we happy for tipping the scale. I have been avoiding the scale at all costs these days, oh baby, what you have done to my body! Ergh.
Well, despite that angry little face above, it really has been a great month! Having a child has been such a HUGE change in our lives, but we wouldn't trade it for the world! We love our little angel more and more every day. I am going to burst soon if this love keeps growing inside of me!
Jordan really enjoyed making a monthly update this month as well. In case you were feeling jipped out of some cute baby smiles, don't leave before checking this one out...
[Don't forget you can click the pictures to enlarge]