June 13, 2014

She's gonna be somebody's baby...

You may have been living under a rock if you didn't know we are pregnant, but if you're just finding out we're having a girl-- you're not too late to catch that train! We only just announced to friends and family last night. 

We officially found out Baby #2 is a girl on Tuesday,
Mommy and Daddy knew it all along though! 

I have to be honest [#drew], I was [not to secretly] hoping for another BOY, but Jordan said he had a 'feeling' baby is a girl and since he was right last time around, I jumped on the Team Pink bandwagon with him. 

There was a defining moment for me though when I truly turned to the dark side...
I was driving home from grocery shopping very early along and, as I believe all pregnant women do at one point or another [or several points,] I was searching for confirmation that little baby was going to be okay and I could start to be excited about our growing family when "Somebody's Baby" by Jackson Browne came on the radio! Coincidence? No way, that's what I've learned to call a tender mercy from God; a small personal sign to let me know that by His grace Baby was on the right track to make her feature debut later this year!
We are so excited to start planning for our new addition: Jordan is likely most excited that he doesn't have to paint over the already fuscia guest room walls to transform it into a nursery for out new little one. 

From snips and snails and puppy dog tails to 
sugar and spice and all that is nice, 
here we come!  

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