this is me. amber. this is my blog. "just things i think about" because "just things" was taken. guess what it's going to be about? ...if you guessed, "just things she thinks about" please advance to the next level! you are a freakin' genius. okay, only a semi-genius; like RAINMAN status, amazingly smart, but with no real functional or social value. have i offended you yet? you shouldn't take offense. i am only kidding. and afterall, this is an open forum for my thoughts as previously mentioned and implied by the url. i might from time to time, but you should still subscribe because my thought might occasionally be pretty interesting. and chances are-- you've got an hour to waste surfing the net anyway, right? so give me a chance, i might actually need a few chances, so check back in from time to time.
with that said, this is the lead in to my first official post, so here goes nothing...
YAHOO! Your thoughts are going to make you famous some day! Remember when you are all famous for your blogging, and they invite you to New York to be on a talk show or morning news cast...that you LOVE me!!!!
Don't let the famous go to her head!!!
Shouldn't god be a capitol G?
don't you notice nothing is capitalized?
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