January 26, 2014

Lucky Number Seven!

Baby boy is 9 months old already, but I'm just playing some catch up. 

Our little family has sure been busy traveling and spending the holidays with family and friends. For Thanksgiving we decided to drive up to Northern California to spend Thanksgiving with my Aunt Pam and some childhood friends. We spent the week with Melissa and her new boyfriend Brad, Harrison was very curious about her two (BIG) puppies... they're German Shepard rescue dogs, so the term, 'puppy' does  not do justice to the mass of these tiny pony sized dogs! Full sized horses to little Hare! Titan may have been even more curious about Harrison than Harrison was of him! Harrison does well with doggies, but so far does not show much interest after the initial face licking. Yuck!

We spent a few days at Aunt Pam & Uncle Tony's house and had a wonderful dinner with them as well as my Aunt Cindy and Uncle Mark who were up north for the San Jose / Navy game. Marks sister, my cousins Hannah and Addi, and Addi's mom, Katrina, joined us for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Harrison is still not showing much interest in solids, but enjoyed gnawing on a piece of turkey, gumming a roll and actually ate lots of mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. All mommy's favorites too! 

Harrison has officially said his first word-- DADA! Hooray. 
He went from babbling "dadadadadadadadada" to actually calling out for him and it's just too cute. He babbles for me too, "mamamamamamamama" but is just making the sounds, we do not have an official "Mama" yet, but I can wait! 

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