September 9, 2013

A Man of Many Faces...

Sometime this summer Jordan decided to grow out a beard. I'm not exactly when and I'm not totally sure why either, but he did and here it is in all it's "Duck Dynasty" glory. Well, almost.
[Get it!?] 

I think he might have rather been enjoying the look, but this lady was not. I enjoy the look of a scruffy, manly, bearded man; but as it turns out, beards are more of a thing of theory. They look good in theory and even in implementation, but kissing up on my bearded man is not as quite as sexy as Ryan Gosling makes it out to be in "The Notebook."
[I'd still probably get it on with him, beard or no beard!] 

So alas, BEARDY had to go.
I convinced Jordan to have some fun with it and we shaved all sorts of looks before finally getting rid of it all and returning to me my smooth baby faced husband. 

Here are some of the best... 
A hearty pair of 1800's MUTTON CHOPS! 

The Classic "too-old-to-be-in-a-boy-band-but-still-in-a-boy-band" extended side burns and goatee.
[Unfortunately to get the Mutton Chops we had to forgoe the REAL boy band gem, the sliver of hair along the whole chin line leading into a goatee look as made popular by The Backstreet Boys' AJ McLEAN. I was more bummed about this than I should have been really.]

Plain Moustache & Goatee Combo. 
Channeling Edward Norton from "American History X," only less angry. 
I guess he liked this look!  

Handle Bar Moustache & Soul Patch. 
I really wish we could have shaved everything but the souls patch to see that extra douchey look, but then we couldn't have completed our next two looks... 


Now I know that THE TOM SELLECK is the original RON SWANSON, but lets be real here, no one, not even my fine hunk of man meat, can recreate the beauty and the glory that is THE MAGNUM, PI. We would have needed some Rogain for Moustaches and a thickening agent and maybe even some moustache dye to try to pull off a moustache that magnificent. And frankly, we have too much respect for Mr. Selleck, so we didn't even try.  

And finally, Jordan's last shave before he was a baby faced teen again... 
[Viewer discretion is advised!] 

Yes, we went there! 
[Please don't unsubscribe!] 

And finally, Jordan was back to his old self. 
Gee, you think he'd be a little happier! 

Well, we have discovered that my favorite look is a clean shaven hubby, pretty sure Jordan loved the beard; what about Baby, what did Baby like best? 

The votes are in... 
Feeling it out... 
...not too sure about this caterpillar... 

"Mikey likes it!" 
The Brian Fantana with a soul patch for the win!
Kid tested, Daddy approved.

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