September 3, 2013

A third of a year come and gone...

Baby boy is 4 months old! 
We are a little late on the post because we have had visitors [again...]
Here is whats new in this adorable little guys life...
[click picture to enlarge] 

Grandma and Uncle Zack came to visit for a long Labor Day weekend and Harrison is still very hesitant about new people. I don't blame him though, he is at home with Mama all day long so he has grown very fond of me and sometimes daddy. I have been making it a point to take him to "play group" at the church to socialize him. He has no interest in the other kids or their toys, only wants to lay and play with his. He has gotten used to their screaming [most the kids are significantly older than him and can run around] and ruckus, he isn't as terrified as his first day.

He is doing a really good job at sitting up with assistance. He has always been big on standing and sitting and I think soon, here, he'll be sitting up on his own. He is reaching all his monthly milestones and is a great learner! We do ABC flashcards with letters and word associated pictures, which he just loves! We can usually get all the way to Q or R before he starts to get fussy and bored. He coos and talks back to me as I say the letters and you can really see him watching my mouth, trying to mimic me.

As I said last month, he discovered his feet, and he now loves to lay with his bum up in the air holding onto his toes... only a matter of time before he will get those in his mouth too!

Along with sucking, drooling and putting everything in his mouth-- Harrison has taken up LICKING. EVERYTHING. If you're holding him you can bet he will be licking your shoulder, it's the creepy baby equivalent of the weird kid in high school who leans forward and smells your hair... yeah we'll work on that! Ha ha. Really though, he is just very curious and only has a very few ways to explore his surroundings and taste is his easiest option right now!

I guess the biggest change from last month to now is that we seem to have a little Houdini on our hands! Harrison is becoming a master escape artist and can almost wiggle right out of his vibrating chair. We have to strap him into his swing because he arches his back and turns sideways to roll and almost falls out! He does the same in his car seat, as he HATES being in it, but loves car rides-- oh, baby logic! If only they understood, it would just make Mama-Life so much easier, huh?

And lastly, his new favorite thing is WALKS. Only, again-- baby logic, he really doesn't like being in his stroller, so Mommy or Daddy have to carry him facing outward so he can see the big world around him! He is a mini male version of Dora the Explorer and just wants to see it all!

I can't believe my baby boy is going to be sitting, eating foods and crawling soon! The days go slow but the weeks and months fly by. Harrison is our little lovebug and we are so blessed to be the parents of such a happy, wiggly and eager baby boy! 

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