April 4, 2012

Dear Husband,

When can we get one of these?? 





C'mon! You know you want that unbearable cuteness
 running around the house. 


Anonymous said...

9 Lives without cats
1.Cats are prissy. They totally have attitude and will never dial 911 for you when you're dying. In fact, the cat would probably make you its new scratching post.

2. Litter boxes. They're ugly, smelly, and have cheesy names.

3. Part of it's genetic. My dad hates cats. He used to have a licence plate frame that said "Will flatten cats while you wait."

4. Cats don't love you. They love to tear your furniture, and claw people. They only love the food you provide for them.

5. Cat's will turn on you in an instant. I've seen quite a few people in the ER with a cat bite from THEIR cat.

6. Cleaning up litter boxes. Come on, they REALLY smell.

7. Cat movies suck. Ex.: That Darn Cat, the Aristocats (no not everybody wants to be a cat), Garfield and the agonizing sequel Garfield - A Tale of Two Kitties, need I say more?

8. Hair balls. The bane of Puss (in boots) in Shrek.

9. Every time I see that Fancy Feast commercial where the woman feeds her cat "Elegant Medleys," restaurant inspired cat food - with grilled salmon and fresh greens - it makes me want to hurl and then kill a spoiled cat, and then the cat-spoiler.

jiggajordan said...

I'm with anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
Have you ever actually owned a cat? And raised it with the same love you'd give a dog?
A. herself.