April 17, 2012

Hide'jo' kids, Hide'jo' wife... They rifflin' through yo' luggage, They snatchin' yo' freedoms up!

Just a quick thought today...
I was aimlessly surfing the internet today this morning before starting my day and I came across an article about the TSA. Ugh. When will these arguments end, right? However, I may not be on the same side as you...
The article is brief. About a man who took video footage of a woman crying because she's being patted down. the blogger of Gateway Pundit claims that the TSA's action are a "War on Women" Give me a break, people! GP Blogger claims that the TSA's actions are a "horrible sexual violation" -- so, she was being patted down by a gloved airport employee and he videotapes it, blasts it all over the internet and thennnn calls what they did a sexual violation-- are you kidding me? If the TSA are sexual assailants then what sort of voyeur is he? Would he film someone actually being sexually assaulted and post it online for all to see? Am I the only one seeing the irony in his action and accusation??
I've never fought a war for the rights and freedoms my citizenship in America grants me, not even my privileges have I fought for... so some may call me naive for speaking. But flying is a luxury. It's a privilege. It is in no way a right-- I understand that in America there are constitutional rights protecting we American Citizens from unlawful search. But when we choose the convenience of flying over many other forms of travel, we must understand that because of recent terrorist attacks on our country; that we may be subject to procedures that are lawful under our Constitutional umbrella, to "keep us safe."
I just think it's ridiculous for people to think that a simple pat down or a walk through a machine that blows air at you, or your luggage or electronic devices being briefly examined is a sexual assault and the downfall of America. Give me a break, please! And yes, I have been subject to search 3 times in the last few years at various airports and in no way have ever felt violated, sexually or any other such manner.
I recognize this is a very intense issue for some, but lets not let the TSA become the scapegoat for all of Americas problems please.

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