April 6, 2013

"Tryin' to Catch Me Ridin' Ghetto!"

Jordan and I were super lucky to have inherited a gorgeous framed artwork of Michaelangelo's "The Creation of Adam" several months ago, when Jordan's Aunt moved out. It's rather large and we never had room for it in our apartment, so Jordan kept it at work; which may have been a worse offense than his BYU allegiance since his bosses are die hard Utes fans! 

Well, now that we're getting all moved in to our new house we thought we'd find a home for it here. Last night after dinner we stopped by his work to pick it up and were really hoping it'd fit in the trunk with the seats down. No luck! I noticed that Jordan had some wire in his trunk and thought, 'we can make this work!' So while I stepped into the office to go to the bathroom [for like the third time that night!] Jordan tied the painting to the top of the car with three separate pieces of electrical wire. Perfect! Only problem... he tied it all through the windows and I was not yet in the car. Jord said he'd just untie the one side so I could get in, but I ain't no sad pregnant lady-- I can still do some things I used to be able to! I was convinced I could just climb through the window into my seat. With a little bit of help, I easily made it trough the window, like one of those popular teen girls on every cliche 80's flick hopping into her boyfriends convertible as he honks outside school for her. 

In actuality, I probably looked a lot more like THIS!
[I seriously hope you watched that video because it was hilarious!] 

Our drive home was about a half an hour on the highway and we didn't have too much faith in the short wiring even with Jordan's master Eagle Scout knots; so we drove in the slow lane with our hands out the window holding the frame in place so the wind wouldn't catch underneath it. It was a very cold night out last night, but before our little fingers froze completely we remembered Jordan had a pair of gloves we could share. 
We made it home! 
Didn't take us much longer than usual, but now we're not even sure we have a good place for it... of course! 

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