May 24, 2013

Baby Art [Part II]

Finally making a house a home room by room! We have finished decorating H's room and it all looks great. I'll get pictures up of how the whole room looks all put together, but for now here's a sneak preview... 

Some more wall art just above his changing table. 

Harrison's favorite cousin [once removed, but who's counting!?], Ashley, made him the 'sunshine' art. So cute! And the other ideas were all me! I love that he has a picture of Jesus in his room, it just makes me feel like he's a little safer at night with Him watching over my little baby. Also, it's framed in one of my grandmothers frames that my mom gave me and I refurbished a little; so it's got some love and generational family value to it.  

How do you say we've made a "house a home" but only talking about one room? Ha ha. So far the nursery is the only room in the house completely finished from top to bottom. Of course he's a spoiled little baby, so his room got priority. I like how it looks and feels, now when I have to feed him in the middle of the night at least now I have something to look at. 

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