May 23, 2013

Baby Art [Part I]

Yesterday Jordan hung some art I had made for Baby's nursery while I was pregnant. I wanted his room totally ready when he got here, but we're still working on the decorating a little. I must say, it's all coming together pretty nicely! 

[Click picture to enlarge.]

I originally made just the one dinosaur canvas on the right to go on the wall with a few other random pieces in an eclectic collage sort of thing, but some of the other pieces I wanted to hang were too big and it just didn't look right; so I've paired them with some other items [you'll have to check back to see them!] So I decided to make 2 other dino babies to go with it and I love them! I think the button brontosaurus is my favorite though! They were really simple to make, just wood squares, fabric and any kind of arts n' crafts items you want to make the animal out of-- stego is fabric and t-rex is yarn. I was inspired here on Pinterest.

I hope as Harrisons eyesight develops more that he'll love all the colors in his room. Mama and Daddy have done a lot to make his room a place he'll love to be and play as he grows! 

1 comment:

Mama J said...

Love love love it and so will he as he gets older and looks around more.