May 21, 2013

Family Date Night

Friday night has taken on a whole new meaning... 
In the single [rather, married and childless] life Friday night is date night, party night-- a weekend night where you celebrate a weekend free of responsibility. 
Welcome to parenthood!! 

Since we've had Harrison, I've been lucky if I'm able to shower daily or cook a whole meal for me and hubby without interruption, let alone go out on the town. Well, last Friday we dared to venture out for our first family dinner date. Dining out with a little one is more than just making a reservation; we had to time it just right so he'd fall asleep in the car ride over and hopefully stay asleep through most of [or all of, fingers crossed] dinner. 

Harrison was great! He fell asleep as soon as we got in the car and stayed asleep nearly the whole time we were out. 
Jordan and I were able to enjoy a dinner uninterrupted by baby cries or switching off one of us holding him while the other eats. It was great.

Look ma' two hands! 

 Apparently we just need to take him for a car ride right before dinner at home and leave him in his carrier until we're done... we'll keep that on the back burner as a last resort situation. I'm going to try my first attempt at 'baby wearing' later tonight, so hopefully he likes that and I can have my hands free for making and eating dinner [along with many other conveniences of having limbs!] 

Our first go around at taking Harrison out for more than just a quick shopping trip was great. 
Oh, except for the part at the very end when I was bottle feeding him and I guess he downed like 3 ounces super quick without me noticing and before I could burp him he threw up all over me. And when I say threw up I'm talking "The Exorcist" style projectile vomit all over me and half the table! At least I was already done with dinner and didn't have an appetite to lose. I felt super bad for my little guy though and was really worried, but the internet says babies have got some force in their reflux! 

All in all, a great family date for out first attempt. 
Love my little family! 

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