February 10, 2013

30 weeks & counting...

If I stand like this... 
...you can hardly tell I'm pregnant!

But then I turn to the side and-- WHAMMO BAMO! 
Baby Bump! 
 Though I'm still not feeling like I look terribly large for 30 weeks preggers. Someone finally said to me  today, "You're huge!" to which I proudly said, "Thank you!" but she was pretty huge herself-- and not pregnant... so not sure she's the best judge of size. ??

*Side Note-- so I initially wrote, "29" weeks, above and thought, 'is that right?; so I counted the weeks on my calendar in my phone and my math said I'm 30 weeks, but I just knew I had posted last Sunday night about being '28 weeks and 29 years old;' wishing I had been 29/29 because that would be pretty cool, right? Well, it turns out I am a total dummy and I really was 29/29 the whole time! I went back into my blog archive to update it properly and noticed the last pregnancy post just two or three posts prior to last weeks even said "28" so I am just too flighty to even know how far along I am! I know when I'm "due" so at least that's good, right? Man, talk about some pregnancy brain!*

At 30 weeks, I am starting to get bloody noses. Yuck. I woke up with one today. I felt a drip from my nose and just thought it was snot [because I've had the typical pregnancy stuffy and runny nose-- hence the snoring Jordan hates!], then another drip and wetness was running down my cheek. I wiped my face and had blood all over my hand, so I popped up out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get a tissue. Before wiping clean my face I ran into the living room, where Jordan was already awake, reading on the couch and just said softly, "Jordan..." Man, he jumped up off the couch so quick! Hahah! I know, I know-- I'm terrible, what kind of pregnant woman thinks it's funny to sneak up behind her husband with blood smeared on her face and hand-- well, I do. [And I know Mama Riddle is laughing right now, so at least that makes two of us!]

Hey, if I can't have a little fun with all these hormonal imbalance, what can I do!?

Last week I said I haven't had any big cravings, but lately I have been loving Little Debbie Swiss Rolls! Mmm, mmm, mmm!! Just terrible for me too! I'll easily finish a box in under a week. [Less than that if Jordan weren't here to stop me!] I'm also still really loving cereal and yogurt. so hopefully that balances it all out.

I have finally been able to cut back a little on work, 37 hours instead of 47-- haha, "cutting back" is that  what you call 37 hours a week? Exhaustion is what I call it! I guess it has been a blessing in disguise to have been working so continually because it's the only exercise this lazy girl gets during pregnancy. And of course I have to work enough to keep my health insurance, blah. Can't I just start maternity leave already? No. I'm planning to work up to the week before the baby is due so I wont have to come back until after the 4th of July; I've got it all planned out! 

Still have plenty on my to-do list before Baby gets here... I need to change my name on my license-- ASAP because I want him born to two parents with the same last name as him. It's only taken me this long because I had trouble obtaining a copy of our marriage license [...and my Cali license picture is just too cute to part with!]

Well, that's all for now folks.
One last Bump picture on your way out...

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