January 27, 2013

A Fine Farewell

Last Sunday I was so fortunate to be able to attend the Missionary Farewell Talk of a former employee of mine, Alex. I believe this is the 3rd or 4th of my employees Farewells I've been to. I try to go whenever I can, to show support and stand as witness that missionaries change lives! 

Alex's talk was Uh-may-zing!! He is like a young prophet in training! Can I say that? Seriously though, it was like listening to a General Authority speak. He is such a great young man, enlightened beyond his years and with a bright attitude like his, he will do so well in the mission field! 
Alex spoke about belief. He suggested we should each 'believe' Christ as much as we 'believe in' Him. "It is my understanding that we all want to believe in something or someone" he said, and further speculated that every person wants to believe there is a reason.  A reason for everything that is. How true this is, I thought. I do not believe-- ha! 'believe'-- I do not think that anyone does not, at some point in their life, search for answers. No matter what spiritual persuasion or lack of one we cling to-- we each look for a reason in everything. Whether it be through religion or science, we want to know 'WHY.' 
Alex went on about how people give their lives for what they believe; noting Joan of Arc. The most powerful statement he made [and one of the more powerful things I've likely ever heard] was that '...people should not just give their lives for what they believe, people should give their lives to what they believe.'

What a strong thought!  
Our belief in Christ is not a one time conversion, a single, simple gift of our hearts to Him; but a lifelong pursuit to be more like Him daily and act in His name accordingly. If we are willing to give our lives for what we believe, then why are we not, daily, willing to give our lives to what we believe is right? Sure, for most, it is easy to attend Sacrament meeting every Sunday. We may even make time for Ward activities; Temple Night, Trunk or Treat and Ward Picnic, but why are we often too busy to clear our schedules to help a neighbor move or volunteer to watch young children so their parents can have a date-night?

Our beliefs are solidified by our faith to act. We should hold strong to that which we believe and neglect not our responsibilities to live harmoniously exhibiting our creed.  

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