July 27, 2013

Mama's little Wiggle Worm!

Another month has come and gone. So many new things to report; some big, most little, but all news! Harrison's personality is really coming through, he's such a curious little baby. And I really can't believe how big he's gotten. 

[click to enlarge]

Harrison has discovered his hands [and feet] and sometimes goes cross-eyed looking at his fists so closely!

 Wants Mommy and Daddy to suck on his hands like he does. Blegh! 

He used to just be confused at bath time, not sure if he should enjoy it or cry, well he figured it out... he cries the whole way through. 

He's such a smart little guy, if his binky falls out to the side when he is laying down he pushes it back in his mouth with his little balled up fist. 

Oh man! I forgot to write, "GRABBING AT STUFFED ANIMALS" on his picture. That is a major one! He is finally grabbing a little! 
...And putting everything in his mouth to chew and explore. 

Afraid of Big People sneezes, they make him cry; even though he sneezes all the time himself. Always in sets of 3's and 5's. 

Has perfected his pouty face! 

Daddy constantly wants to feed him maple syrup, but Mommy says 'no.' 

Arg, I'm terrible at this, I forgot again-- 
Harrison has been teething already! 
Yikes, I know. His two bottom teeth are right below the gum-line ready to come in, but he hasn't cut them yet. What a big boy! What was Mama eating while you were inside, man? Mega hormones, I guess. 

Had his first BIG TRIP to California for his Baby Blessing! 
Slept almost all the way there, woke up right at Toms Farms at 4 in the morning, grumpy from being cooped up for a 10 hour drive. Poor little guy.

Oh, and he has finally realized the comfort of being swaddled and now almost wont go to sleep for nap or bed if he's not swaddled up tight. 

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