November 9, 2012

I made soup!

Jordan and I attended our wards TRUNK-or-TREAT this year, since we are 'with child' and figured it'd be a fun family activity. More importantly... Jordan had a costume that was sure to give the little kiddies a real scare[!] and you know he's not one to pass up an opportunity to mess with small helpless children. 

Jordan recently bought a gorilla outfit online. Conveniently he started looking and purchased it around the month of October, but I know my husband, and this is not a strictly Halloween costume. If it were February and he had found a good deal he would have bought it. He's been talking about getting one for the last year! 

[and they say i-phones are the bomb, picture quality proof-- not so much]

I just went as an Indian woman since my Honey Boo Boo costume was not ready yet [nor appropriate for small children to see me parading around in a wannabe sexy daisy dukes outfit... I know, I'm turning into a mom already... since when have I cared what's appropriate!?] Jordan has some outfits from India, so it was an easy costume. I think the real Indian lady in our ward was jealous of how cute I was representing her culture, while she was in no costume at all! ;) 

I had the whole day off on Halloween, so I had time to take my lovey out to breakfast for his birthday. Yes, his birthday is on Halloween- which makes for an easy party theme every year. I ran some errands and most importantly-- I MADE SOUP!! ... from scratch!! 

Chipotle Corn Chowder

It wasn't hard at all. The waiting part was, though. You see, I tend to be an over-seasoner, because I'm impatient, so the logic that I need to let things simmer so their natural juices and flavors will come out is foreign to me. So crock-potting this soup all day was hard because I wanted to check it every half hour to see how the taste was coming along. Eventually my mother in law convinced me to leave it alone and let it sit and in a few hours it was ready and sooooo delicious!! Everybody at the Trunk-or-Treat dinner must have loved it because I only had enough for one bowl leftover. Just enough for Jordy's lunch the next day. Perfect! 
If you were on my Facebook feed at all that day then you already know how proud of myself I was for making homemade soup. You have to give it to me though, I had no recipe-- just bought a bunch of things I like and put them together and viola... soup! I was quite impressed with myself, as you should be too. Impressed with me, not with yourselves. Unless you recently made homemade soup, then you deserve a shout out too! 
"Holler to all my Homemakers!" 

..and I'm pretty sure Jordan gave at least two kids nightmares that night. One kid dressed as Thomas the Train wouldn't come get candy from Jordan, he was about a year and a half and just kept screaming, "The monkey! Daddy, the monkey!! No!! The monkey!!" ...mission accomplished. Great holiday. One for the books. Or for the blog. Good enough. 

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