November 21, 2012

Just when you start to feel safe-- Costa Rica Part V.V

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot to tell the story about our car being BROKEN INTO!! 
When we were done snorkeling we headed back to our car, which was parked on the beach outside of a restaurant, only to walk up on a burglary in progress!! We're walking toward the car [in an unlit dirt parking lot] and Jordan starts yelling, "AAAY!! AAAY!" I didn't see anything at first and was totally confused. Well we walk up to the car to find a man with his arm INSIDE the backseat broken window! He pulls his hand out really quick and says in English, "It wasn't me man. I was watching it." Jordan's totally calm and all, "No, no, no.. you did this." The guy repeats the same thing and all the while I'm watching his hands to make sure he doesn't reach in his pocket for a knife or anything because I was held up once before [in Lake Elsinore back in high school, with a group of friends. Long story.] At this point all my adrenaline is pumping because I was frightened at first, but it's clear this guy is just a lowlife who isn't going to harm us, so I start confronting him in Spanish. I don' think he saw that coming! After a few minutes of him insisting he was 'just watching' the car for us, I see it's going no where and I tell him I'm calling the police and ask if he wants to stick around to tell them what he saw. Ha ha, right? He takes off and we call the police. The dispatcher speaks less English than I do Spanish and I'm basically describing to her every local in the country of Costa Rica! I mean, it was dark out-- he was tan skinned, curly moppy dark brown hair wearing a t-shirt and cargo pants! We file a report and call our rental car insurance to report it to them. 
The bad guy got away with nothing-- because there was nothing in the car. We'd been packing the phone and GPS in our backpack and hiding any wiring in the trunk, so it wouldn't even look like we had those extras. But all rental cars are the same make and they each have about 5 stickers identifying that it's a rental, so they're easy targets for local scumbags. 
We traded in the car the next morning and the broken window only cost us $50. We didn't let it get to us and just factored the cost into our trip budget. 
My wonderful husband even said, "Maybe he was trying to be nice, he broke the smallest window afterall." What a guy my husband is, huh!? Always looking for a bright side. True-- he had only broken the small triangle window in the back, not a larger one with an automatic window roll down device.
He did rob us of one thing though-- we had planned to get massages on the beach before we checked out of the Flamingo Resort the next morning, but since we had to exchange the car before getting on our way to our next destination that morning we didn't have any time for massages!  

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